+90 (0)212 280 95 05 info@stertilinteryapi.com

SİKLON Ventilatör

SİKLON Ventilatör Stertil Interyapi

SİKLON Ventilatör

  • Depo personeli için hava sirkülasyonunu iyileştirmeye destek
  • Ayarlanabilir menteşeli kollu, profesyonel, güçlü radyal vantilatör
  • Kompakt, sağlam ve dayanıklı gövde



Powerful Air Circulation

  • Powerful, high capacity professional air circulation for improved climate. 
    (may also be used for drying surfaces due to its high capacity).
  • Compact, robust and durable housing suitable for intensive use.
  • Adjustable hinged arm construction for convenient positioning.
  • Variety of speeds with 3-position switch.
  • Easy to install with a standardly supplied mounting bracket.